Friday, May 30, 2008

I've been tagged!

I've been tagged by Amber at Baby Boogaloo to do my first meme! How exciting!

The Rules: Write a blog entry with 10 weird, random, facts, habits or goals about yourself.

Andddddddd.... GO!

1. I love calculus and physics. I really regret not pursuing something in either of those areas for my degree. Before having Jackson, I even contemplated taking a calculus course at the community college to brush up - for fun.

2. I have a minor in Chemistry.

3. Nick and I met for the first time in class. It was Dr. Abaye's Plant Materials for Environmental Restoration in the Spring of 2000. He thought I was his ex-girlfriend when he first saw me from the back - he was sitting behind me. I had the same bag as she did, with the same color hair. I continued to have a HUGE crush on him for more than a year, before we finally started dating.

4. I'm terrified of the supernatural. TERRIFIED! I have goosebumps just typing that.

5. I love chocolate and orange juice together. Eat some chocolate, have a nice tall glass of OJ.

6. I used to know how to play Yanni on the piano. And Toad the Wet Sprocket.

7. My dad really wanted to name me Kelly. My mom really wanted to name me Meredith. My dad was not there when my mom put Meredith down as the name on my birth certificate. Mom won.

8. I played varsity tennis all 4 years in high school. I was also a member of the Dance Co, and on the Pom Squad.

9. Jackson and I were born at the same hospital.

10. I had 4 cotton blankies when I was a baby. I think they were from Carter's. I slept with them until I went away to college. They were pretty much rags by that point. Jack has one now (don't worry, it's new). Sometimes I want to steal it and sleep with it myself :).

That was fun! Now I get to tag four people. I tag...

Melissa at A Little Bit of Life
Kelly at Adventures of the H Family
Rachel at The World According to Reese
Anne at Sweet Caroline


Unknown said...

There's the red hair!!! I am probably so late because I've been slacking on checking your blog! HE IS SO SUPER CUTE!!!! He looks just like you, I love it!!! Give him a hug for us, and give one to Nick too :)