Thursday, July 17, 2008

Please don't call CPS!

At home one weekend, Jack was eating some lunch. Since he seems to love all things involving water, we thought it would be funny to squirt his bib with the spray bottle, and see what he thought of it. Well, Jack thought this was hilarious!!! He laughed SO hard, each and every time he got hit. He even loved when the water sprayed his face a little. So Nick sprayed a little higher, and eventually started to spray Jackson square in the face. He laughed even harder, loving every second of it. Once again, we'll be nominated for parents of the year, I'm sure.

It all began very innocently...

You can even see the stream of water hitting him.

Mama, save me!

The evidence.

Having way too much fun.

Hysterical! Which made us laugh even harder!


Meghan said...

This is soooo cute!