Can someone please tell me where the time has gone? How did my fussy little newborn turn into the most amazing and happy pre-toddler? How did he get so big? Gone are the days of going to the pediatrician for weight checks. We're very sure that he's gaining weight these days :).
This time last year I was miserable from the heat and an 8 month baby belly, retaining water, walking around with swollen ankles, and just trying to make it through the days. My how times have changed! Now I'm chasing around a little boy, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
These days Jackson is pointing at EVERYTHING. Remember when he used to wave at everything? Now he only waves when he's going bye-bye, and that has been replaced with the finger pointing and a "bah?". He "asks" about everything, and babbles (sometimes quietly just to himself) constantly! It's so funny, and he really seems to have his own little language. He's having fun speed crawling, and walking behind his scoot and scoop. He loves his
Fisher Price Learning Home that Caroline (Anne) graciously passed down to us, and his beach ball. He's down to 3 bottles a day now, and is only taking one nap (sometimes 2 on the weekends) per day. He has 3 teeth, with more coming in. He eats what we eat (mostly), and is generally just a happy happy happy little guy!
Here are our monthly pictures that we took this morning. Nick will be so thankful when we don't have to do this anymore. He has the baby catching duty as Jack dives off the chair :).