My oh my does time fly by! We've had a busy couple of months en la casa de Cole. Jackson started walking mid-September, and hasn't slowed down since. And we've now moved onto running, which sometimes his legs don't move as fast as his little body wants them to!
We still struggle with finding foods that Jackson will eat. He still won't touch any meat or chicken of any kind, he'll eat vegetables *sometimes*, and he eats his fruit *most* of the time depending on his mood. We just keep trying things, and see what he'll do. Yogurt and cheese are always favorites though!
Of course we think some of his eating issues are teeth related. He seems to be working on his fourth molar, which will be tooth #10.
A brief summary of our past couple of months:
We went to Myrtle Beach with Grandma, PawPaw, and Aunt Sarah.
We visited Blacksburg for Reese's first birthday. Reese, Jackson, and Brett had LOTS of fun spending time and playing together!
We also went to Baltimore for their Zoo Boo with some lovely friends for the second year in a row(pictures coming soon).
We've had a great fall so far! We LOVE this time of year!