Things have changed A LOT since Jackson has turned one :).
We had his 1 year well visit a few weeks ago. Jack weighed in at 24lbs 13oz. Big boy!!! And he's now 30.75" tall. He went from the 50-60th percentile in both weight and height (and head circumference) at 9 months, to 75th percentile in all 3. So he grew all around! He was given 3 shots in his thighs, but he only cried a little immediately afterwards, and then was fine. Never even ran a fever from them. Our pediatrician was very impressed with all the Jackson was doing, and says he's right on track in all areas and doing great!
Other things going on in Jack's world:
- We can now classify him as a walker :). He started taking a few steps here and there a week before he turned one, but then he started walking more than crawling, and now he walks everywhere and rarely crawls. Unless he falls of course :).
- We transitioned him to whole milk a couple weeks before he turned one, and he loves it!
- He doesn't take a bottle anymore, either! Just like that, cold turkey, and we've never looked back.
- He has 4 teeth (2 top and 2 bottom), with at least 3 more molars coming in, and a couple others that I can't even identify. Teeth, teeth everywhere :).
- He does simple commands, such as: "Can you go get mommy a book?" and "Where's your milk?".
- He's learning the names of his body parts, like eyes, foot, and nose.
- He signs that he wants some "more." We didn't teach him this, and neither did school, but apparently he picked it up from a substitute teacher one day???
- He moved up to the toddler room at school! His entire class moved up at the start of the new school year. He's adapted VERY well, and loves his new room. He now takes his nap on a cot, and sleeps better there than he did in the infant room! He sleeps from 12:30-3:00 every single day. It's wonderful :).
He's such a wonderful, good natured baby/toddler, and he makes us smile and laugh every single day. We have SO much fun with him, and can't believe how fast he's growing and changing! It's bittersweet of course, but it's an amazing thing to experience.