Sunday, August 31, 2008

Happy Birthday To Jackson!

We had perfect weather for Jackson's little birthday party, which is hard to believe for early August! I remember when he was born, there was an AWFUL heat wave with insane humidty. We got so lucky this year, and we're able to spend a lot of time outside. We just did something small this year, since he doesn't know any different :). But it was so great because we were really just able to spend some time with family and close friends we don't get to see too often. Happy birthday sweet, sweet boy!

Here's the picture I painted for him. Blues and greens to match his room :). Of course you can't see in the picture because it's too far away, but his name and birthday are written along the tree branches.
Eating his cake in my high chair from when I was a baby.


Since we were saving Jack's first taste of cake for his birthday party, we had brownies after dinner on his actual birthday. Turns out he LOVES chocolate!


A little delayed, but better late than never :).

The light of our lives turned one on 8.8.08! In some ways, 8.8.07 seems so far away. Mostly because our Jackson was such a fussy little thing his first few months. He had colic, we battled with reflux, struggled through breastfeeding issues, and just tried to get through the days in the beginning. Learning how to balance a newborn and working full time was rough. But I see how far we've come, and wouldn't trade any of it for the world (ok, so just a little break from the fussiness would have been nice :)). Our Jackson has turned into the most amazing little person, with such a personality already, and he brings us more joy than I ever thought possible. What an AMAZING year this has been!

Jack turned one on a Friday, so we decided to take the day off from work. He went to school and celebrated his birthday with everyone there, and we planned to pick him up after nap time for some fun! Our awesome friends Bryan, Rachel, and Reese (who will be one in October!) traveled north from Blacksburg to spend the weekend with us.

We decided to take Jack and Reese to the Baltimore Aquarium for the day. It was a little busier than we would have expected, but we still had a great time. The little ones enjoyed seeing all of the aquatic life, while being carried on their daddy's backs :). It was a great way to spend our baby boy's first birthday!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Our baby has turned ONE!

Our baby is growing into a toddler quickly, with many new changes. I have lots to post, including birthday pictures, but here's a little slideshow I put together weeks ago of Jack's first year. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Itsy Bitsy Spider

Check it out!

Jack learned how to do the Itsy Bitsy Spider about a month or so ago, I had just never caught it with the camera. But I finally did! He doesn't do all the hand motions obviously, but he puts his little fingers together whenever you sing the song, or even ask him where the spider is. It's sooo cute!

Book lover

Jack has turned into quite the little book lover these days. He's much more interested in them than he ever has been, and I love it! Not like I have any time to read these days, but I hope he will learn to love reading like I did when I was little.

Every morning when Nick drops Jack off at school, they have book time on the play mat, and I think that's what has really sparked his interest in books. We hear that his favorite is Brown Bear, Brown Bear. The other day when Jack got there, Nick said Josh came over to Jack and handed him the book, and then Annabel walked over, and then all 3 went and sat on the mat to play with their books. I thought that was such a sweet thing!