Tuesday, April 15, 2008

New Tricks

Jack has new tricks! And they all seemed to happen at one time. He likes to play "So Big", and actually plays with us! My dad taught him that. He did it Sunday for the first time, but we thought maybe we just got lucky with it. But yesterday when we got home from school he did it at least 15 times when I was playing with him. It was SO much fun! Personally, he reminds me of Luke Perry in 8 seconds when he does it. He moves his wrists just like Luke does. Have you seen the movie?? If not, you should :).

And with that, he started waving, too. He doesn't wave back every time, but he's doing it sometimes, which is so funny.

He has also started doing this little head to the side thing while he eats and copies me every time I do it at dinnertime. We'll do it 20 times in a row. I caught him doing it last night while we were just sitting on the floor.

Nick got him to give some high fives and low fives at dinner last night, too. We laughed and laughed, and Nick just kept saying "High five!" and putting his hand up, and Jack would hit it. And as if all of that wasn't enough, when he was finished his dinner, we were standing in front of his high chair talking, and Jack reached up to me and said "Mama." Nick and I stared at each other with mouths gaping wide open, and said "Did he really just do that?!?" Now, I'm not getting my hopes up that he actually meant it, or knew what he was saying, but it's still fun to think about. Our little baby is growing up!

Video from last night:

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Super Chunk!

We had a follow up pediatrician appointment yesterday to check on his ears from the double ear infection 3 weeks ago. His ears look great, no fluid and no redness. Yay!

We had a little discussion about food, since Jack LOVES to eat. Love isn't really a strong enough word. Maybe LIVES to eat is more like it. Anywho, she told us to go ahead and add a 3rd meal, and she gave us the go ahead to start more table foods. Anything goes. I had just planned on asking if we could go ahead with meat and yogurt to try out, but I guess the sky's the limit! With a few little exceptions of course, this is gonna be fun!

Oh... and we got to weigh him, and because of his size, now he sits on the scale instead of laying down. He weighed in at 19lbs 12oz. He gained a pound and a half in about 5 weeks. SUPER CHUNK! She was very impressed with growth, and his happy personality. He was his usual hammy self :).

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

8 months - 4/8/08

Gone are the days of our little peanut... meet CHUNK! Where has the time gone???

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

We welcome #2 to the family

Tooth #2, that is! He joined us just this past Sunday. We noticed on Friday that Jackson was clingy again just like he was with Tooth #1. Sure enough, I looked in his mouth and Tooth #2 was almost as white as Tooth #1. Although the area was still smooth. Friday night he woke up at 2:30a crying, which he NEVER does anymore. With a diaper change and a little bit of motrin, back to sleep he went. Sunday morning I checked his mouth, and #2 had cut through. Those teeth are SHARP. Do not stick your finger in his mouth unless you're prepared to scream out in pain. He wants to chomp! As you can imagine, it's pretty tough to get a picture of the little dynamic duo. If you look real closely you can see them in the picture below. Can't you tell how happy he was to have the camera in his face? Poor baby :).

On the move. Kind of.

Jackson wants to crawl SO bad. If he's on the floor, he's pushing up. If you're holding him, he's pushing off of you. In the crib, pushing in whichever direction he can. It's all the child wants to do. He's going to have some big guns if he keeps this up! He's mastered scooting backwards, which has him ending up in some pretty funny places (under a bedroom dresser). He'll get up on his knees and rock a bit. No forward movement yet. As much as he loves standing, we all thought he would skip crawling and go straight to walking, but maybe not. He seems to have figured out how to get up, now he just needs to get coordinated enough to move. I don't mind seeing how long this will take. For now we'll continue to enjoy a still somewhat immobile baby!

Like father... like son!

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Aunt Laura

I got to play with my Aunt Laura and Uncle Marcus this weekend! I had so much fun! They live about an hour away in Germantown, so I took a little snooze in the car on the way over, so I was ready to play and have fun when we got there. They have the best dog in the world, and I LOVED him. His name is Troy, and he's a Bull Mastif, and even though he towers over me and mommy when we play on the floor, I still thought he was the funniest thing in the world! I especially loved when Uncle Marcus made his toy squeak. I got to sit at the adult table and eat my dinner, and I even had a little taste of chocolate for dessert. Aunt Laura gave me my bedtime bottle, so you know we're best friends now. I crashed again on the way home, and can't wait to play with them again!

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Sitting is for losers

He's not really pulling up to standing in his crib yet, but it's become our new little routine for us to help him stand up so he can look around his room and chat with us a bit while he get clothes out and get ready for the day. Standing is his favorite thing to do (besides eating), so we indulge him a bit whenever we can :).

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Finger Foods

We've started finger foods! Mostly it's just for Jack's entertainment at this point -not really for nutritional purposes. He's mastered puffs, and we've also done some mashed fruits and waffles. And don't tell our pediatrician, but I did let him have a few pieces of cake, too. You KNOW he loved that. He just kept staring at us like a little baby bird wanting more. Too funny!

Happy Easter!

We had a wonderful 1st Easter with Jackson this year. We celebrated with Gram, Pop, and Aunt Sheila!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Thank you!

Thanks to everyone who voted in the contest, WE WON!!! So very exciting. We've already received our Amazon gift certificate, and we're looking forward to spending it :). I have some ideas, but I'll let ya'll know what we decide on. I printed out the page from Wholesome Baby Food for Jackson's baby book (which has yet to exist!) to show him when he's older. Thank you again!

Here's the announcement on the website...