Jackson received a very special gift the other week. Liz lives in Gram and Pop's neighborhood, and wanted to make Jackson a quilt. She's extremely talented, and we're fortunate that she has shared so many of her talents with our family over the years. She finished the quilt in time for Christmas, and it is absolutely gorgeous. It has his initials embroidered in the center, and has a gardening theme to it with the fabrics, colors, and tools stitched around the outside edge. We love it!!! And we know Jack will grow to love it as he gets older.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
A very special gift
New Toy!
Gram got Jackson an exersaucer for Christmas, and boy does he love it! He loves to do anything that involves standing. Sitting he's not so interested in - all he wants to do is stand! So despite all of the toys on the exersaucer, he'd probably be just as content without them as long he's standing up. He especially loves his new view while he's in the exersaucer. Especially checking out the cats walking by. Grabbing, smiling, and squealing at them are his favorite things to do. He loves it!
Christmas at Gram and Pop's
After spending Christmas morning at our house, we went to Gram and Pop's for Christmas day and dinner that evening. Jackson was spoiled yet again by grandparents! He was an absolute angel all day, and we had tons of fun with him. Next year will be even better!
Hanging with dad Eating my new toys
Out for a walk before dinner with a sleepy baby
Passed out during dinner, and for more than an hour after dinner was over
Jackson's first Christmas!
We had Christmas Eve dinner at our house this year, and Jackson had a pretty good time with Gram, Pop, Mama, and Daddy. He even got to wear his special Christmas jammies. But he spit up all over them, which is why he isn't wearing them Christmas morning :).
Vintage Baby
This shirt was my mommy's when she was a baby! Thankfully my Gram found it and washed it, and now it's part of my wardrobe. Mommy's uncle went to Iowa State, and gave this to her when she was little. This shirt's pretty old!