These pictures may fool you, and he may look like he likes this silly hat, but really he hates it, and we have to sing Jingle Bells to calm him down when we put it on :). Poor kid.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Silly hat!
My first holiday office party!
I have finally found what I didn't know I even had. TWO FEET! They go everywhere with me mom tells me. Two toys that I can always count on to go wherever I go. YES! Sometimes I get super lucky and can pull them into my mouth, too. Life is good.
Christmas #1
We celebrated our first Christmas with Nick's family this past weekend in Lynchburg, VA. Jack had a blast opening his presents, and we were all really spoiled this year. We were also able to get together with Nick's moms side of the family for their holiday get together. It was the first time everyone got to meet Jack, and we were able to meet the two other babies on that side of the family. Jack hammed it up to everyone, and all of the babies were really good. Two of Nick's other cousins also had babies this past year. Holly was born in June, and Ryan in September. Next year should be interesting since all 3 will more than likely be on the move! This year was much easier I'm willing to bet!
Sitting up and smiles
Jackson has been practicing sitting up a lot lately. We're probably still a couple months away from that, but it's never too early to start practicing. And he's been flashing some pretty big smiles, too!
Christmas photo shoot
The papparazzi! Mom thought it would be fun to have a photo shoot for our Christmas card, and fun it was! Jackson was such a good sport and let Mom and Dad do pretty much anything to take some pictures. It was so much fun! You can sort of see in these pictures how red his hair is turning. Never expected that!
Someone's 4 months old
Our little buddy is already 4 months old. He's starting to get a little chubbier, too! He's doing so many new things, is so involved in everything around him, and we just love watching him learn and grow. He did very well at his pediatrician appointment. He now weighs 13lbs 90z, and 25.5in long. Basically he's long and lean! He's so close to rolling from back to tummy (he's been doing tummy to back for a couple months), and loves chewing on everything he can get his hands on. Although mostly he just loves chewing on his hands :). But his absolute favorite thing to do is stand up. He just can't wait to be able to walk! We've also gotten lots of belly laughs out of him, mostly from tickling.
Holiday specials
Old man pants!
I love madras! Mommy picked up these cool old man pants for me before I was even born at a consignment shop, and boy do I love them! I always get tons of compliments on them, and they keep me nice and warm. Pop told me that my great grandfather probably had shorts in the same pattern! Oh, and I LOVE looking at Reese on my fridge. I think she's hot. I wonder if she would dig these pants...